MAC issues

I am using VM ware fusion on MAC. Please follow the steps below to enable NAT mode on MAC

Step 1. Update nat.conf
a. cd /Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/vmnet8

b. Take the bacup of nat.conf -
sudo cp nat.conf nat.conf.bac

c. You will find [incomingtcp] in this file. Please add following entry on the next line after [incomingtcp]

user_port = ip_of_vm_in_NAT_mode:22

Note: user_port must be selected which is not used at all. To find out the available port run -

$ netstat -an | grep

if there is no output at console then can be used otherwise search for another port

e.g 8888 =

Step 2. Restart VMware player
a. Switch off the VM ware player

b. cd /Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/

c. ./ --restart

d. Switch on the VMware player and VBE

Step 3. Connect to VM
a. ssh -p user-port user_name@host_machine_ip
e.g. ssh -p 8888 root@,
this will open the shell/prompt to the VM